Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gifts from the Rainforest

Many people want to conserve the rainforests. Do you think that preserving the rainforest is important? Why, or why not?


  1. Yes, I think the rainforest should be conserved with the mixed fruits and things. In the text it states that the rainforests helps us fight colds and the flu. The rainforests makes cocoa, coffee, and tea. It has the most vitamin C on earth growing there. The climate there is hot because it is so close to the equator. It also removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Do you think it should be conserved like me now?

    In my opinion I think that it would be great to conserve the rainforests because if we do the people who have diseases can get another chance to live. But if we don't conserve the rainforest they will die. That is why we need to conserve the rainforest.

    BY Joshua W.

  2. I agree with people who want to conserve the rainforest because the rainforest produces oxygen, decreases carbon dioxide, and cleans our water. The rainforest also gives away medicines like Vitamin C, Graviola tree, and the Miracle tree. A graviola tree helps fight arthritis and liver diseases. If people keep cutting down trees more and more people will die because Graviola helps fight diseases. If people keep cutting down trees then people won't get cured for their diseases. Also the Miracle Tree helps treat people who have colon, lung, breast, and pancreatic cancer. If people keep cutting down these trees don then people will die because people won't have these trees to depend on. The rainforest also produce foods like nuts, spices, cocoa, coffee, tea, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves textures to other dishes. We eat all of these things and we love to have them.

    If people keep cutting down the trees we wouldn't have any of the things that I named and without the things we wouldn't be able to live. I wish people would stop cutting down trees because one day I would like to visit a rainforest to see how the rainforest really is but if people keep cutting our trees down I wouldn't be able to explore the rainforest. So please stop cutting down trees because it is killing animals, air, water, and medicine.

    By: Brandon J

  3. Yes, I do think saving the rainforest is important because you need oxygen, medicine, and fruits. In the text it states that the rainforest removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produces oxygen. In the text is also stated that rainforests spice up our diets by providing foods that add flavor and texture to other dishes. Spices such as cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, and nutmeg come from rainforests.

    In my own opinion I agree that we should conserve the rainforest. For instance, I know the rainforests contains many cures for diseases. If a blind, deaf, and cancer cure is in the rainforest we wouldn't know because we keep on cutting down the trees in the rainforest so no one wouldn't even know. So the more we cut down these trees the more we don't know what we are cutting down. Who ever is cutting this down they are going to die at the end too. That's why I think we should save the rainforest.

    BY: Shauna L.

  4. I do think that preserving the rainforest is important because we need a lot of things to survive that comes from the rainforest. If we cut down the percentage of the rainforest there would not be oxygen, fruits, animals, and medicine. In order to live on planet earth we need to come to our senses and stop cutting down what is really important in helping the environment so we can live to see more amazing things happen to this beautiful world. Most people only think about the money and not how its affecting the beautiful exotic animals and the environment that it is supporting.

    In my opinion, I think that if these people don't stop thinking about the money and how much space is needed, there is going to be more medicine or oxygen to survive and live. If people just take out the time to think about how much damage they are doing to the earth they would understand that this is a real serious matter and we really need to do what is important to make this world and this environment a better place. For instance, I remember one time I was walking with my cousin and I saw a construction company tearing down an old building when they could have just recycled and fixed that building instead of wasting all that timber. That is why I think that preserving the is really important.

    by: Nadiyah S

  5. Yes, I do think that conserving the rainforest is important because we live off of the oxygen. Also, the rainforest gives us medicine. In the text it states that the most important gift from the rainforest is the air and the plants for the medicine. Rainforest plants produce oxygen for humans. They also remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Rainforests cleans and recycles water as well.

    In my opinion I think we should all stop cutting down trees, stop wasting paper, and stop putting trash in the water. More importantly we are losing the oxygen to breath. If we don't stop we will not be able to breath. Unfortunately we will not be able to have nay more air. That is why many people should conserve the rainforest.

    by: Sydney J

  6. I think that preserving the rainforest is important because some of the trees that are getting cut down are cures to diseases. Cutting down trees that cure people is a really bad thing because when people have diseases they think there is no cure, but when they think that it turns out to be a cure but when it gets cut down then they don't have a cure anymore. In the text it states that drug companies use plants found in the rainforest to make about 121 prescription drugs. The United States Cancer Institute has identified 3,000 plans that work against cancer cells. Scientists in the United States have discovered that products from this miracle tree can kill malignant cells and this tree is found in the rainforest.

    In my own opinion people should care more for what they do because they never know what or who they can be hurting when they do dangerous things. People with cancer really needs the trees to cure them because the worse they have it the worse it gets. The trees to cure people is a good thing but when they are getting cut down that is the worst thins to happen to people with cancer. If I could I would start a petition to stop cutting down medical trees. In my own experience, I remember a time when my best friend had cancer really bad that she almost died because she had a tumor on her neck. It was getting so big that she had to go to the hospital before it got worse. She did live but she still had to get something done to her neck so that she didn't have to live with cancer her whole life. If she didn't have went to the hospital I would have lost my best friend. That's why I think the rainforest is important.

    by: Jamiyl J

  7. Yes, I think that many people should want to conserve the rainforest because people stop cutting down trees and the rainforest. In the text it states that rainforests help trees give us oxygen. Trees are also helpful because it takes out the bad air such as carbon dioxide. We get cocoa, coffee, and tea from the rainforest plants. Did you know that rainforests contains over 3,000 types of fruits. The world's greatest source of vitamin C is grown on the Camu-Camu shrub. The Camu-Camu shrub has thirty times more vitamin C as an orange.

    In my own opinion I disagree with the people who are cutting down trees because there could be a cure for aids and people are cutting down the rainforest. That is why I think we should stop cutting down the trees and the rainforests.

    by: Kamiyah Y

  8. Yes, preserving the rainforest is very important because food, animals, and oxygen that we need are there. We need all those things to live. The poor little animals are dieing because we are cutting down their homes. Water comes from the rainforest and medicine too! In the text it states that spice food grows in the rainforest. The rainforest gives us many delicious gifts like coca, coffee, and tea. Also indigenous people who have lived in the rainforest for centuries have discovered many ways to use the plants there to help them survive. Indians eat over 2,000 of these fruits.

    In my opinion I do not like that we are cutting down trees because we are cutting more than half of the rainforests down. Medicines are in the rainforest and we are cutting them down. We need that medicine because it helps us live and be more healthy. How about if your child is sick and the medicine they need grows in the rainforest but we cute them all down. How will you feel? Now can you see why the rainforest is very important?

    BY: Hassanah C

  9. I think that preserving the rainforest is important because the rainforest has a lot to offer. For example, oxygen, fruits, and medicine grows there. In the text it states that without oxygen we will die because we will be forced to breath in carbon dioxide. But in order to save oxygen we will have to save trees. Trees produce a lot mote then oxygen, trees grow fruits too. The rainforest gives us 3,000 types of fruits. The trees are not the only important thing that comes from the rainforest like plants. Plants are important because they produce medicine.

    In my opinion, I think that if we keep cutting trees down there will not be anymore rainforests. Right now their is only 6% of rainforest left out of 14% and in 10 years due to all the trees getting cut down there will be 0% and we will all be dead. Animals are running looking for a home and saving the rainforest will help them too. This is why preserving the rainforest is important.

    BY: Tavia M

  10. The diease I would like to help is cancer because many people need help to fight cancer. Also people are losing their hair and their lives over cancer.

    In the text it states that today drug companies use plants found in the rainforest to make about 121 prescription drugs. The United States Cancer Institute has identified 3,00 plants that work against cancer cells. Seventy percent of these plants come from the rainforest. One of the most amazing trees in the rainforest is the Graviola tree.

    In my opinion I think you can help cancer by giving scientist money to find medicines in the rainforest to help people with cancer. If we continue to cut down the rainforest then we could be cutting down the cure for cancer. That's why we need to stop destroying our rainforest!

    by: India C


    We are losing lots of oxygen because people are cutting down trees and waste most of it. If people keep cutting down trees we are going to keep losing more oxygen. Have you ever started breathing tight? Well if you did or didn't you are going to expereince it again or for the first time. We will run out of trees and lose all our oxygen that we need in order to survive.

    Did you know that some of the trees people are cuttin down have medicine? These medicine can help people cure cancer, the flu, and other sickness. If you have cancer or the flu wouldn't you want to get cured from your sickness? Well that's why we need to stop what we are doing and SAVE THE RAINFOREST!!!!


  12. If I could discover one kind of cure from the rainforest plants, I would want to cure cancer. I would cure cancer because many people are dieing from cancer. Kids are dieing from cancer now of days. In the text it states that today drug companies use plants found in the rainforests to make about 121 prescription drugs. The United States Cancer Institute had identified 3,000 plants that work against cancer cells.

    In my opinion I disagree with the people who are cutting down the rainforests because the rainforests gives us oxygen and we need that to live. If you just keep cutting down trees we won't live. Animals are losing their homes and are dieing. If you keep cutting down the trees then plants will die. Plants found in the rainforest could hold a cure for any disease. That is why we need to stop cutting down the rainforests.

    by: Jordan T

  13. I think we should conserve the rainforest because we need it! We are destroying life itself and the rainforest gives us oxygen and food. There use to be 14% of rainforest on this earth but now we cute it down to half of what it use to be. The cure for many diseases are not solved because of this. Soon enough there will be no more rainforest and more people will die.

    For instance, there might be a cure in the rainforest but that chance of glory will never happen because we are destroying any chance of it.

    BY: Michael M

  14. I do think the rainforest should be preserved because they provide a lot of things for the earth. For instance in the text it states that rainforests provide all types of fruits (3000 fruits grow), spices, and foods. They also provide oranges, cinnamon, and coffee. But the most important things are the flowers and trees. They reduce carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into the atmosphere for oxygen. Can you imagine if people cut down every rainforest in the world and the next night or morning you, your mom, and your baby can't breath? That's why you shouldn't cut down the rainforest.

    by: Quaheem B

  15. Yes, I think that preserving the rainforest is important because we could have more oxygen and food. In the text it states that in the rainforest there are 3000 types of fruits. For the people that like cocoa, coffee, and tea should thank the rainforest. Also, the plants in the rainforest cure us. Do you know why? Because it gives us medicine.

    In my opinion I think everytime we cut down trees we have less oxygen. Would you like to breath without feeling tight? Well, I don't! We should stop cutting down trees. You know that we are cutting down half of the rainforests down. That is why we should preserve the rainforest.

    by: Stacey A

  16. Do you want to preserve the rainforest? Well, I do! The reason why I would want to preserve the rainforest is because it's the home of all animals and the rainforest gives us foods and it keeps us from dieing. The animals need some where to live. If they don't have their natural habitat they will die. The rainforest use to cover 14% of land and not it covers only 6% of land. That's more than half of the land being cutting down. The rainforest helps us with our food. It provides spices like cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, and nutmeg. They also provide nuts, cashews, cocoa, coffee, and tea. The rainforest provides something that is important like air and clean water. Plus medicine!

    In my opinion the rainforest should be saved so we can live. I think that many plants that we cut down can fully cure diseases! Trees take in the carbon dioxide so we don;t and gives out clean air. This is why we need to save the rainforest!

    by: Donte R

  17. I think we should preserve the rainforest because if we don't so many undiscovered life svaing medicines that are hidden in plants will be destroyed if we continue to cut down the rainforests. Would you like it if even more people die because they don't have the proper medcine to cure their sickness! Another thing the rainforest provides is food and water. So many fruits, spices, and more come from the rainforests and we don't even know. How would you feel if all the fruits and vegetables that you love disppear all because we destroy our beautiful rainforests. Rainforests give us a bountiful amounts of healthy and life saving things every day and if we cut the rainforests down we will no longer have the air we breath, the water we drink, the medicine we take, and the food we eat.

    In my opinion I think it would be horrible if we keep cutting down the trees. I disagree with these people who are ruining a beautiful part of nature because they act like they don't care about anyone. I bet you wouldn't like it if someone just came and tore down your houe! So why do it to the animals? If we are a caring country then we should work together to fix this issue before it gets out of hand. That is why I think we should preserve the rainforests!

    by: Crystal B

  18. yes i do think perserving the rainforest needs to stop because it gives me oxygen and it is involoin my life for me to survive andsome peole ust wznt to be arogant and not listen to wahat is ionvoloin there life and if could i would put a stop to it . I hope we handle this issue and survive to live the rest of our lives
    By Nadiyah
