Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Pretend that you went on an expedition and discovered a new rainforest plant that could cure a disease. Write a detailed description of the plant you discovered and how it can help mankind.


  1. If I could go to the rainforest and discover a plant that can cure a disease it would be called baise. Baise would be a small leaf that grows in a bunch. It is light green and has purple vains going all around. To get the special liquid that can cure any type of flue you must boil 10-12 minutes then let it cool for 5 minutes then drink and within 2hours you will be cured! That is the plant I will find to cure the flue!

  2. If I was in the rainforest and found a plant that could cure a disease the plat would be used to cure swan flu.It would be used to cure swan flu beacause I think that 80% percent of people in the world die from swan flu.In the text I was reading it states that the swan flu was from pork.it also said that many people go out to eat pork and they end up gettin swan flu. My opinion is that people shouldent eat nothing that has to do with pork.I everyone will probly take the medicince 2 or 3 times A day.the swan flu cure will help people be extra safwe . this is the cure I wil make if I find a plant.

    by;constant h

  3. If I ever discovered a plant to curse a disease it would be the cursest sting.It would cure people who have cancer,kidnie disease, and more.I would hurry and discover it so that people won't die from these diseases.Things that happen to people is bad because no one yet has a cure for it and if that is the case then people should work quicker,harder,and faster.If I could I would find a cure for any disease as fast as I can.It can help mankind because people shouldn.t live their whole life .They should get cured and get it over with , so that they can live their life as a strong,healthy human.

    *Jamiyl Jones*

  4. If i would go to the rain forest and vist there and i discover to care peole i will give it to the scienst and they will make more of it to care people.They will ask me where i got it from and i will say from a plant.Every body will probley take the medicince 5 or 7 times a day. the swan flu care will help more and they will much more better.


  5. The plant that I discovered in the rainforest and a plant that cure a disease is an plant called the daffodil disease it"s rule is like this who ever go near or go close to the daffodil plant and you can catch a disease and it will never go away and also you wil be scratching for an year but if you do scratch it the disease will get worse and the more times you scratch it the more days added on to your disease.

    If you don't scratch it the disease will not go on very long.

  6. The plant that I discovered in the rainforest and A plant that cure A disease is an plant called the daffodil. This plant can cure A disease called EGGS. If anyone go to A doctor they will give people the daffodil to cure your disease. THE daffodil plant will be free because people have family to take care of.
    by brandon

  7. If were discover a plant it will to cure cancer. It will be call cancer realief.I t will help you to grow more hair and help take away cancer.This are the ingredents that i would put in my medicine.It will be pink the medicine.It will have leaves in it and much more.BLESS ENERYONE ONE THAT GOT CANCER!!!


  8. If i was to discover a new new plant i would discover a plant that cure cancer.It would be called sunshine.People who is about to die or who is really sick due to cancer can get cured by just that one little flower.Not only wioll this plant cure cancer it will produce people and animals oxgen this plant will be a life saver.


  9. the plant i discovered in the rainforest is a plant that cure a disease.the name of the plant is called shilo.this plant cure a disease called cancer.when you go to the doctor they will give you that medicine.the medicine taste like grapes.hassanah

  10. If I could go to the rainforest and discover a plant that can cure a disease it would be called Cancer plant.It would cure Cancre, and the color is a bright sparkling red.It would be enough two provide medicine for a lot of people because people are dying from that disease.

  11. If I discovered a plant that cured a disease the name would be A.I.D KILLER. And it would be very effective to use and all you would have to do is just drink it and in 5 minutes you would feel great. The color would be is red.

  12. The plant I found in the rainforest is a plant that could cure canser.It looks like a tiger coler.I would call it a tiger.Many people are diying from canser.So I discovered this plant.I would give it in liquid for kids and pills for adults

  13. If I could find a plant that could cure mandkind it would be to cure cancer.I would help many people that has cancer so peoplecan live.

  14. i discoverd a plant called HACD .It is to cure cancer diabetes aids and hiv. it is suppose to mostly cure aids because aids run in my family and i would not want to have them when i get older. And i would want the young people out there to live there life like and normal person should. You can find this plant at a green house in your neihgbor hood. i hope u get better if you do have one of the deiaes hope u feel better BY:Nadiyah
