Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Helping the Earth

How does the rainforest help the Earth? Would it effect our lives if there was no more rainforest?


  1. The rainforest helps the earth because that is where the most trees are at and thats where we get most of our oxygen from.Plus thats where we get paper but if we start to cut more trees down we get less oxygen thats why we should recycle more paper than waste it.If it was no more rainforest how would we get oxygen thats why we should plant more trees.Thats how we can get more oxygen.Do you believe we can change the world.

  2. The Rainforest helps the earth because it gives off half percent energy.in the text I was reading it said that it gives alot of oxegyen but people keep cutting it down so the oxegen is going away fast. In my own opinion all the trees people cut down needs to go to haiti to give them fire so people can eat and have a place this is what I think about the things in the rainforest

  3. The rainforest helps us in many ways,for example the trees in the rainforest gives gives us oxgen,papper,and food.The rainforest a habiat for many animals.If their were no more rainforest it could chang ours and animals lifes because animals will not have a home and some may die.We will not have no oxgen, papper, or food and we can also die without oxgen.


  4. Rainforest help the earth by giving us medicine and giving us oxygen.Medicine is from many plants from the forest.The oxygen is really important to us because is the air that we breath on and keep us alive.

    Yes i think it would effect are lives because without medicine we would get sick and we wont have no air.so thats why we should keep rain forest alive


  5. The rain forest help the earth by producing healthy plants and discovering more divrese things that the earth can produce. It would effect our lives because we would have less oxgen,less paper to write on,more endagered speicies,and no more history to learn about cool animals and plants that live in the rainforest today. There are alot of peole and things in the world that need help and if the rainforest dissapeared we would be really bored in trying to find something new about the rainforest
    By, Nadiyah Samad

  6. Rainforests help the earth because some animals have habitats there andn eat leaves,trees,grass and more.Animals that live in the rainforest can survive off the rain and some can't,but if people take better care of rainforests all around then it will get better and stay clean for the animals that live there.If there are no rainforests any more then it will be really bad for the animals because when they don't have a home anymore they can't live right and they will or can die.The rainforest helps they earth in many ways but most importantly it helps the animals live better. When it gets worsdt there will be no more rainforests in the world and anymore homes for the animals.

    *Jamiyl Jones*



  8. The the rain forest help us in many ways because if it was not for the rian forest we will not have any oxagen to live in this world.Know body will not be liveing there.It help us in many ways like the paper and oxagen and other things.


  9. Rainforest help our earth because rainforest gives us oxygen helps us breathe.if we didn't have any rainforest it will effect our lives because how would we breathe?when we want to see a rainforest where would we go.I hope our rainforest really DONT die i dont no what will i do?If this do happen everything I mean everything will be ruined.People will not be able to go to the rainforest and see our nice tall beautiful trees and plants.


  10. THE RAINFOREST HELP OUR EARTH BY PRODUCING HEALTHY plants and discoveringmore divers things that the earth can produce. the rainforest can also help by giving trees and other things that the earth need. THE rainforest can help also by producing food and other divers things. by brandon

  11. Yes,I think the rainforest helps me and this city becuse it stays green.It at leasts helps all most all the plants.When I think about this it makes me think harder and harder.Please help for I can clear all out and put all of it on him.

    BY:$JOSHUA W.$

  12. the rain forest help the earth by giving us oxgen and it provied us food.also the plants give us medicine.yes it will effect our lives because the rain forest give us food and oxgen if they cut the rain forest down we will die and starve.hassanah

  13. The rainforest provides for us humans oxygen. They also provide fire wood. Even though we all need some of these things it is not right for us to cut down the trees because then we are destroy the homes of many animals! Would you like that to happen to you. Don't you want less people to die? Well that wont happen if we cut down the trees and plants that could be carrying the medicine that could cure diseases!
    In my own opinion I think it would be horrible for people to do that because then sooner or later a new disease will come along and then we will have nothing to cure people. That is why I think we should not cut down the trees!\

  14. Plus thats where we get paper but if we start to cut more trees down we get less oxygen which would cause more germs and diease thats why we should recycle more paper than waste it.Also, if we get rid of the rainforest exocict animals an plants would become extinct.

    Nasir S.

  15. THE RAINFOREST HELPS THE EARTH BECAUSE 20% PERCENT OF THE EARTHES ENERGY COMES FROM THE RAINFOREST.IN THE TEXT I WAS READING IT SAID THAT 20 % OF THE WORLDS ENERGY COMES FROM THE RAIN FOREST.THE PLANTS TAKE IN CARBON DIXODE AND RELEASES OXEGYN. IN MY MY OPINION I FEEL THAT WHEN PEOPLE CUT DOWN TREES THEY ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE ON EARTH ONE BY ONE. I ALSO THINK THAT IF THEY WANT TO MAKE PAPER THEY NEED TO USE SOMETHING ELSE SO WE CAN LIVE LONGER. I Can relate to the peple who cut down trees because i used to be adzacly like them. i was adzacly like them because i used to waste food and not recyce food or plastic . but thats not as worst as what the people are doing. the people are puting their life and everyone elses life in danger.but i stopped. this is how the rainforest helps the earth. BY:CONSTANT H

  16. The earth is the best but the rian forest are geting destory. It also provide water for animals and we are cuting down trees.

  17. The rainforest helps the world by giving us water,food,o2,and medicine.People are killing the rainforest.We need to help the rainforest.THE rainforest gives us medicine to help people who are sick and people who are dying.So let's help the rainforest.

  18. I do think that the rainforest help the earth in many different way. One way the rainforest help us is that the trees give us oxgen and the trees also produces our resoures like paper, black coffee, nutmeg,and many more. The planys also save us by giving us medicine that cure H1N1 ,cancer, A.I.D.S.If someone would cut down the rainforest I think we would die without the air or medcine.

  19. The rainforest helps the world by giving us H2O,food,O2,and medicine.For instance people are cutting down trees and our plants that might have a special cures.Like for an example Swine Flu(h1n1),A.I.D.S,CANCER.Yes it would effect our lives by us dying or us just living but by diying on the inside.

  20. The rainforest helps us in many diffrent ways it helps and the animals breath better and easier.If there were no more rainforst all the animals in it will die thats why if you do will be gone by then. By Michael Martinez

  21. The rainforest helps the earth by giving the Earth oxygen. Fruits, medicine,and food.But if we keep on destorying the world thats why we have global warming today. we are not doing anything.Now the rainforest produces only a little bit of porducts for the Earth
    BY:chris p
