After reading how ancient Egyptians mummified bodies, what sparked your interest and why? Explain
Each group had a different task surrounding this reading. One group had to create a problem/solution chart, another group had to create a How to Preserve a Dead Body instruction key with sequencing words, another group had to answer an open ended, and the last group had to do a cause/effect chart on this story.
The thing I found interesting was when they took out the organs. I seen dead bodies and organs before and I think it would be cool to see a mummy. I have been interesting in mummies since I was 6 years old.
ReplyDeleteBY: Patrick P
My favorite part was when they were done taking the stuff out of the body because most of the story is about taking the insides out. That's disgusting!
What I found interesting in How to Preserve A Dead Body was the dry as bone because of how they take the water out. In the text it states that they put salt on the body.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think it's gross but at the same time it was interesting. The gross part is when they said they took the insides out. The rest was okay. I love this story. That is why I was interested in it.
BY: Stacey A
Something I found interesting is the dead bodies rot fast. In the text it states. "But there was one big problem, the dead needed their bodies to live in the next world and dead bodies rot fast."
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, this interested me because I never knew bodies rot fast. That's something I found interesting.
BY: Hassanah C
The one thing I found interesting was when they had to take out the mummy's organs. I think it was interesting because I never knew that you can take the brain out. That's nasty. They should have just wrapped it because if your going to a different world you need your organs. This is what sparked my interest.
ReplyDeleteBY: Constant H
I like the body with the rags. The rags helped it keep its shape. They even put false eyes on it.
ReplyDeleteBY: Michael K
This sparked my interest because it was cool. I can make a mummy and I can make the mask. I can pull off the eyes too.
ReplyDeleteI can make the cat a good mummy. Do you like mummies? Well, I do.
BY: Al-Janae I
What I found interesting was putting salt on the mummy to get the water out in the mummy's body. It is interesting to me because it is a thing to know. So the mummy makers covered the body with salt.
ReplyDeleteBY: Nasir S
It was interesting when the mummy makers take the organs out like the brain, eyes, liver, and lungs.
ReplyDeleteBY: Ibn L
What I found interesting is when they took out the organs. They put a hook in the nose and a piece of brain popped out!
ReplyDeleteThe organs rot first.
BY: Jordan T
I thought that when they stuffed the body with rags was interesting. The rags helped them to the keep they bodies shape. They even put false eyes on the face. Finally, the mummy was ready for wrapping. I also thought this interested me because they way they cared for the body.
ReplyDeleteWhen I die I would like to become a mummy because you can get put in a museum where people could look at you. Wouldn't you want your family to visit you after you die? I know I do.
by: Brandon J
What I found in the story is how when they are about to make a mummy, they have to take out all of the organs. Like the brain, eyes, liver, and lungs. But to remove the brain they have to stick a hook in there nose and as they keep pulling, parts of the brain are coming out.
ReplyDeleteBY: Karon B
Something I found interesting about How to Preserve A Dead Body was that they take a hook and stick it up the dead bodies nose and that they stuffed the body with rags and wrap the body with cloth. That is what I found interesting.
ReplyDeleteBY: Kamayah
The thing I found interesting in the story was how the mummy makers designed the mummies. It was interesting because the top can be colorful and also be very pretty. In the text it stated that between the layers, they put jewels and good luck charms.
ReplyDeleteBY: Sydney
Something I found interesting about making mummies is the case designing. I found the designing the case interesting because they put their jewels in it. Plus there favorite things. In the text it stated that they even put their favorite pets in the case.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think some people will find making a case interesting. If you were a mummy case designer what would you put on the mummy's face and in the mummy's case. I can connect to this story because I touched a fake mummy before on a trip that I went on here in New Jersey. Do you find mummy case designing fun? These are reasons why I found mummy case designing fun.
BY: Chris P
Something I found interesting is when they said in the text that when a body dies it's organs rot first. The organs are parts like the brain, eyes, liver, and lungs. The mummy makers first task was to take these parts out. They used a special hook to remove the brain.
ReplyDeleteIn my own opinion I think its kind of gross, but some people will not not.
BY: Shauna L
Something I found interesting was the part when they said that they first have to take out the organs such as the brain, liver, lungs, and eyes. It sparked my interest because it is so cool to hear about someones organs being taken out.
ReplyDeleteBY: Nadiyah S
Something I found interesting when I was reading, "How to Preserve a Dead Body" was when they first let the bodies rot and then they started taking out parts of the bodies. This sparked my interest a lot because how can you take things like that out and not mind it. If I was to do that the only part I'd do is decorate the case that their wrapped in and also wrap them up.
ReplyDeleteBY: Jamiyl J
What I found interesting was when the Egyptians had to put all the things the person liked and loved in their case. Also they look the same. In the text it states that the case of their face and body looked the same and it said that for animals too. They go to live in another world.
ReplyDeleteI also think the interesting part was when they took a hook and put it up their nose and took the brain out. What do you think the interesting part was?
BY: Joshua W
I WILL LIKE TO PREVEAR A DEAD BODY IS BECAUSE IT SOUND COOL TO DO BECAUSE I WILL LEAR TO DO THAT.I will like to be in your class because I will like to go to a school in a diffrent place but i wll not want to go to school that earle and leave that late.
ReplyDeleteby: quadir j
Looking at a dead body is what sparked my interest. It sparked my interest because never really pictured looking at a dead body and learnig hoe to make one when im not even a fan of dead body. Now i know how to make a dead body and what the workers have to go threw in order to make a dead person mummified